How Your Kundali Can Help You Pick the Right Career Path

Many a times, we see jet setting professionals who work in a super competitive environment, are surprisingly deficient in academic credentials or the skillsets. On the contrary, despite having glowing academic credentials and spectacular intelligence, some people are stuck in measly paying jobs that offer no job satisfaction. Let us see how kundli can help you pick right career path.

Career astrology

Astrologically speaking, the chief indicators for success in career are Saturn, Capricorn and the tenth house. While Saturn in Leo reflects powerful position, the same planet in Sagittarius might make one a spiritual leader.  Typically, managers are born with Mercury in Capricorn, while undercover agents may have Moon there instead.  Lord of the tenth house and placement of certain planets showcase the career trajectory of a person. Planets like Moon and Mars in different combinations may indicate medical or engineering career. Duration of career, skillset and professional personality of an individual is determined by planets. Career astrology studies all this and more.

Career horoscope

Career astrology is a study of your career destiny.  It mainly focuses on certain houses namely the 2nd, the 10th and the 6th house.  You can glean income related information from the second house and your work schedule from the 6th house, and career status from the 10th house. The positions and strength of planets have to be studied to reveal your inborn skills and your interests. Career horoscope also gives the right time for joining a new job.

Right career selection by astrology

Assess your personality attributes and then match them with the existing options for right career selection by astrology. A competent astrologer looks at the strength of the tenth house lord and his position in the birth chart, the placement of the third and fifth house lord. The position of sun and moon, transiting planets, ruling dashas and so on to decide this.

How kundali predictions guide your career

You can know how Kundali predictions guide your career by reading below. Information about Career prospects can be gained by studying the association of the tenth lord with other planets.

  1. If salary hike is what you are eyeing, rely on the findings from the 10th, 11th and the 2nd
  2. If you are contemplating a job hop, get your 3rd and 9th house assessed.
  3. If you are an overseas career enthusiast, the 8th and 12th houses are the best options to explore.
  4. From a glance of the 12th house, you can know about retirement.
  5. Inimical planets in the fourth house will deprive you of job satisfaction.
  6. When a planet is in retrograde motion, or if ascendant is combusted, loss of job occurs.
  7. A strong fortified ascendant will ensure you a job.
  8. A strong Moon in the horoscope ensures job satisfaction.
  9. You will land your dream job if your second, eleventh house are strongly signified.

Astrology consultation for career

Astrology Consultation for career is where in you get a clear picture of your strengths and weakness with reference to the job.  Consultation is done both online and offline. You can avail the services of the astrologer by firstly registering yourself and getting a date and time fixed.  Your career journey can be assessed by exploring the 6th, 2nd and10th house of the chart.

Struggling in my career How can I overcome it

You worry is “Struggling in my career how can I overcome it.”. Remedies come in as they are capable of nullifying or mitigating the evil effects. Rituals, gemstones, and prayers help a lot in ameliorating the situation. Karmic corrections, in most of the cases, come in handy in absolving you of karma and help you take a positive step in the right direction to achieve success.

  1. Beej Mantra of Ganesha, if recited on a regular basis, will prove lucky in terms of career. Chant the mantra Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha.
  2. Offer boiled rice to crows on Saturdays.
  3. Morning, after bath, recite the Gayantri or the mahamrutyunjaya mantra minimum 31 times.
  4. There is a very popular remedy using a lemon that helps in career uplift. Pierce the lemon and insert four cloves into it. Hold it in your right hand and chant the Hanuman mantra 21 times- “Om Shri Hanumate Namah”. Carry this lemon in your purse always for


Career building is a formidable job in itself and needs a lot of care and focussed work for upward progression. Career astrology makes this path less difficult to traverse, by giving the final verdict on the job. Kundali analysissurely helps us pick the right career path. Read more Which career will make me rich

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.

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